It has been well over a year since I did a blog post. A large part of this was due to moving house – all the figures got packed away. Then the move got delayed two months. The new house had a room to be converted which then had to stop because of lockdown. So…… some months later I have finally taken possession.

I have set the table up with a possible WW2 game; a long hard fight through a French village. Whether I actually get to play this solo – well who knows ! But it is about time I played a game !

First the painting room

The main games room. Two 6′ tables that can push together for 12′ goodness.

Kitchen units as the table base mean lots of storage space

The shelves in close-up

And this is the downstairs drilling, spraying and generally messy work room

Goat Major Written by:


  1. October 17, 2020

    Blown. Away. What a fantastic space! Happy for you, Simon.

  2. Carlo
    October 18, 2020

    What a wonderful Wargames room. It’s what can be best described as a glorious place to immerse one self into this fantastic hobby. The ability to leave games set up so they can be played through to their conclusion can never be undersold. You’re a very fortunate and obviously well organised Wargamer! Well done.

  3. October 18, 2020

    Excellent and well deserved Simon
    Congratulatomatationisms on such a superb room!

  4. Paul Baldwin
    October 18, 2020

    Wow great space there, grea5 idea with the kitchen units .

  5. Purp
    October 19, 2020

    Wonderful hobby space!
    You’ve officially achieved master git level.
    What will be the first game in the Rattic? CoC?

  6. Giles
    October 19, 2020

    Wow. Very envious, Simon. What a fantastic area.

  7. Dave
    October 20, 2020

    Really impressive place Simon, even better than your last!
    Hope to visit sometime to play a game in such a great wargames room.

  8. RogerB
    February 6, 2023

    Very nicely done!

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