Author: Goat Major

December 26, 2023 / / Ancients

Hinchliffe Macedonian War Elephants are the latest addition for the vintage Successor army. Although they are lovely vintage sculpts these were bought in the last year from Lancashire Games who…

November 22, 2023 / / Ancients

I finished my vintage Classical Greek army a couple of years ago but still have a large collection of Macedonian figures in the leadpile. They had all gone into the…

October 8, 2023 / / Afreeq

These units are part of a small army that I intend to use for some Dragon Rampant games in 2024. The first is literally the Legion of the Dead from…

The Castille Brigade was positioned in the centre of the first line at Campo Santo. Commanded by Lt. General Ramirez, the brigade consisted of three regiments; Castilla, Lombardy and Flanders.…

February 3, 2022 / / Vintage Sci Fi
September 15, 2021 / / Ancients

Just completed a 15mm Numidian DBA army that will also double up as a Numidian contingent in a To The Strongest Carthaginian force. Essex Miniatures 15mm.

June 6, 2021 / / Ancients

I’m working through my old backlog of long-unpainted 15mm Essex figures. Originally bought as a DBM Carthaginian army many years ago, The plan now is to use them to for…

January 5, 2021 / / Ancients
December 18, 2020 / / Afreeq

December 2020 was the inaugural Dwarfcember in the Goat household. I took the opportunity to paint some old Citadel dwarf figures that had been sitting in my lead pile for,…