Russian Invasion Column Heads for Coldstream

As the gallant defenders of Berwick held back the main Russian army against all the odds, the Tsarist Commander – Count Olovyanny Soldatik decided to send a column to the West. The aim was to cross the bridge across the River Tweed at Coldstream thereby allowing the invaders to encircle Berwick from the South and meet the main British relief force head on. As reported previously Sir William Hullough-Carsting – the commander in chief of the British 1st Army Corps – despatched a small brigade to fend off the Russian column for long enough to allow engineers to destroy the bridge and thwart the Tsarist plan.

The two small forces met each other just north of Coldstream bridge on May 29th 1895. The next update will report on the outcome of this first true fixed battle of the war.

Count Olovyanyy Soldatik

1st Regiment of Guards

2nd Regiment of Guards

43 Infantry Regiment

Russian Infantry in Summer Uniforms

Cossacks rampage towards Coldstream

Russian Artillery

Sir William Hullough-Carsting consults with his staff

The Royal Horse Artillery deploy to support the British flank brigade

Goat Major Written by:


  1. Aly Morrison
    January 3, 2018

    Lovely looking toys…
    I really like the Russian guards…I must add some to my own collection.

    All the best. Aly

  2. September 4, 2020

    These look just great! I am hoping to make mine this good.

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