The Castille Brigade was positioned in the centre of the first line at Campo Santo. Commanded by Lt. General Ramirez, the brigade consisted of three regiments; Castilla, Lombardy and Flanders. Each regiment fielded two battalions but I am representing them each as a single wargame unit.
The figures are all from the excellent range by Crann Tara Miniatures ( The grenadiers and musketeers are from the Spanish infantry range and the NCOs, officers & musicians from the Savoia sculpts.
I chose to base the figures with a 3rd rank of NCOs and drummers which make the bases quite deep but it gives the illusion of a regiment deployed with the full range of supernumeraries.
The flags are based on templates from computer images and then hand coloured. All regiments have the Royal Standard and then their individual regiment standards based on the Burgundy Cross

Castille Regiment

Lombardy Regiment

Flanders Regiment

They’re just fantastic Simon. Can’t wait to see them in the flesh
Very nicely done.
10 out of 10. I’m sure they won’t run away first game…. Do you still enjoy painting white?
That’s a most excellent brigade. The basing works really well and the flags are outstanding.
Absolutely stunning brushwork, Simon, and beautifully presented basing.
Ps and the flags……!
[…] time ago I completed the first phase in my project, which was the Castille Brigade (Shown here on my gallery blog). The next stage is going to be the Walloon Guards, who were deployed to the left of the Castille […]