I finished my vintage Classical Greek army a couple of years ago but still have a large collection of Macedonian figures in the leadpile. They had all gone into the Dettol together and have sat there in plastic tubs ever since. When putting together my plan for the year back in January I decided to take a grip and get at least some of the phalanx painted. I’ve now completed 48 of them. Only another 72 to go……

The figures are classic Hinchliffe. It is really a lovely figure but absolutely tiny, barely even 25mm. The other major flaw is that the right hand is open in the wrong direction – meaning some green-stuffing is required mask the sculpting flaw.
Macedonian shields are even more difficult to paint than those for hoplites. It might be a bit of time before I summon the energy to complete the rest of the phalanx.

Those are absolutely stunning. Especially the shields. And great addition to an already outstanding collection.
Look great to me, well worth the effort.
You’ve made a lovely job of these, Simon. Hand painting that many identical shield designs must have been a labour of love.