Hinchliffe Macedonian War Elephants are the latest addition for the vintage Successor army.
Although they are lovely vintage sculpts these were bought in the last year from Lancashire Games who still have the Hinchliffe ancients range for sale.
I always remember seeing the adverts for them in Military Modelling magazine which featured (what seemed to be) an exquisitely painted and animated war beast and crew. Unfortunately the pictures were a bit grainy and black and white and I never got to see a colour version

The shield pattern is one loosely based on the painting at the Lyson and Kallikles tomb and referenced in WRG’s Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars – but simplified to make it manageable!

Those are bloody lovely! Quite stunningly well done. Especially the shields.
Top notch work, seriously lovely, just goes to show Hinchliffe certainly stand the test of time, quite superb!
Absolutely stunning!
Stunning work, Simon. But will two be enough?
Your shields are amazing. Wonderful detail and colours.
Very impressive reinforcements!